Welcome Biscotti!

Welcome Biscotti ðŸ™‚ He is a stunning Thoroughbred, here at Ibalansi for rehabilitation of a very specific problem. He is a hectic headshaker- vets; chiros; physios; dentists; body workers and communicatorhave tried everything over the last few years. At the moment he's pretty much un rideable. We had a headshaker here last year, which has been perfect ever since- we found his problem in pinched nerves over wither. He had to learn to move correctly without beibg forced into position. Every headshaker is completely different, but we are starting to get an idea with beautiful Biscotti. He holds his jaw very clamped shut, and holds an incredible amount of tension in his poll. Yes, a physio etc can help but only short term. In order to help we need to treat the source. He needs to menta6and emotionally shift and relax. He neeeds to learn where his physical sweet spot is and how to deal with light pressure. We will keep you updated ðŸ™‚