The Ibalansi herd

So once in a while, when I have energy left in the late evening, I spend time with my herd. (PS: this is also where 95 % of our income goes). We play and work on whatever my horses decide they need. When working in an established herd, I need to respect their rules and interconnections. I fit in where they place me on the day. Never giving up my personal boundaries, but flowing freely with them. This is peacefully possible as there is trust, communication, understanding and respect. I have no idea why I have 8 horses, some of them literally came to us (one was actually dropped in our garden). However, each one of them is fulfilling a crucial part in the community we have together. They talk to our clients horses and actually sort out most problems before I even start working them... They are a special bunch and show me how mentally balanced horses can be.
